Fleeing and / or Liberated?
Calico kitten perched on man’s shoulder leaves eastern Aleppo

Fleeing or Liberated? Calico kitten leaves eastern Aleppo December 14, 2016 (Screen grab 22 seconds into https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99wtGSaxKWI from Financial Times) CREDIT: KARAM AL-MASRI/ AFP/GETTY IMAGES
One set of media slant told us that the people were fleeing besieged eastern Aleppo in fear of government forces. Another set of media slanted differently said the people were finally liberated and now freed from being held hostage by rebel forces. No doubt there is truth to both sides of the story for different individuals. The headlines continue to morph with descriptions of “victory” or “evacuation”.
The little kitten takes no sides and just wants to be safe.

Calico kitten leaves eastern Aleppo, Syria on December 14, 2016 (Screen grab closeup edited: 22 seconds into https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99wtGSaxKWI ) CREDIT: KARAM AL-MASRI/ AFP/GETTY IMAGES
What will become of this family with their little kitten? What will become of Syria? What will become of the Middle East? Will this blow up into something even wider?
“Assad must go” was voiced by the CFR members. They still want him gone, but that is less likely now than before Aleppo was re-taken by his forces.
Global forces align on both sides of the ongoing civil war with proxy wars, as well as the wild card of ISIS fighters with their own agenda.
Warning… news reports may have disturbing war related imagery and discussion.
The Guardian: Operation to evacuate people from Aleppo begins – as it happened
CBC CA news: Battle for Aleppo has ended
ABC News: Bloodied and Demoralized Syrians Evacuate Aleppo
CNN: ‘Responsibility to protect?’ Empty words after Aleppo
AFP correspondent: Karam al masri (very powerful images – warning)
CNN article: Aleppo Feb 2016 by Karam al Masri